Economic Context and Needs Assessment for Graduate Education and Training in “Embedded and Mobile Systems” in East Africa
Economic Context and Needs Assessment for Graduate Education and Training in “Embedded and Mobile Systems” in East Africa
The main objective of this consultancy assignment was to provide a mapping and needs assessment regarding the economic context in the EAC region containing relevant background information for the Centre of Excellence in Information and Communication Technology in East Africa. As the consultant, I provided a mapping on;
Private and public sector service providers in the EAC region in in the fields of IT, particularly with regards to digitalisation, digital economy, automation and embedded technology (key branches, key players, existing initiatives, projects and platforms for knowledge exchange and innovation);
Economic sectors/branches and government or civil society sectors with particular interest and need in IT/automation/embedded and mobile systems.
Existing and potential models and modes of cooperation with the private sector regarding the labour market-oriented Master Programme “Embedded and Mobile Systems”
Assessment of further training needs in the field of “Embedded and Mobile Systems” for professionals and unemployed graduates (numbers of interested Bachelor graduates and experienced professionals, main areas of training);
Potential contributions and collaboration of the private sector regarding the Master’s program “Embedded and Mobile Systems” (first assessment of interest and commitment).